Tardy & Sign Out Policy
Tardy and Early Sign-out Policy
3 Tardies/early sign-out= Mailed letter
6 tardies/early sign-out = 1 hour ISD, Parent Contact, mailed letter
9 tardies/early sign-out = ½ day ISD, Parent contact, mailed letter
3 Tardies/early sign-out= Mailed letter
6 tardies/early sign-out = 1 hour ISD, Parent Contact, mailed letter
9 tardies/early sign-out = ½ day ISD, Parent contact, mailed letter
12 tardies/early sign-out = 1 day ISS, Parent contact, mailed letter
15 tardies/early sign-out = 1 day OSS
As we do with tardies and absences, doctor notes (appointments) will excuse the early sign-out. This policy begins with the beginning of the third nine weeks period.
15 tardies/early sign-out = 1 day OSS
As we do with tardies and absences, doctor notes (appointments) will excuse the early sign-out. This policy begins with the beginning of the third nine weeks period.